Jeff's Fear of Marriage

Throughout the past week in class, we watched a 1954 Aflred Hitchcock filmed called Rear Window. For such a simple plot, the film was very engaging. It began with L.B. Jeffries, a photographer who is wheelchair bound due to a broken leg. Throughout his recovery, he sat himself facing a window and observed his neighborhood, nicknaming each neighbor and learning their routines. One night he heard a woman scream "Don't!" and noticed that Mrs. Thorwald seemed to have disappeared. Her husband, Mr. Thorwald was acting extremely suspicious after the event, and Jeff could not keep his eyes off of his window, especially at night. His caretaker and mistress, Lisa, initially deemed Jeff so be obsessive, and told him to stay away from the window because he was looking far too much into the situation. However, as the film went on, the two women grew extremely involved in Jeff's self-produced investigation. Lisa became extremely brave throughout this film, and began to break the viewer and other characters views and expectations of who she really was; a perfect girl who could never wear the same dress twice. She began to fit Jeff's said idea of a woman he wanted to marry, yet he was still reluctant to open up to Lisa. I took this as a slight indication that Jeff fears marriage, and that no one will ever make him settle down like he is supposed to, something that Lisa cannot seem to accept. With this idea, it shows that Jeff may have a hidden reason as to why he will not get married, whether it be a past instance in his life or just simply something he fears or does not want to do.


  1. There is some really great criticism written about this film and Jeffries lack of interest in Lisa. It is truly an excellent and compelling film. I'm glad you enjoyed it.


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